Thursday Training, Someone Is Still Carrying The Torch & Someone’s Got His Groove Back

15 Aug
Carlo will have none of your sass, thank you very much.

Carlo will have none of your sass, thank you very much.

The internationals are making their way back to Madrid and those left behind trained their charming butts off.

The mothership had a picture of Iker today in the latest of his “Casillas Highlighter Collection” jerseys. No matter what he’s wearing, our capi looks good. Well, except for that grandpa sweater, but never mind…

IkerMesut is on his way back to Madrid and still wearing Sergio’s hat. I admire his commitment to that particular bromance what with Sergio taking a walk on the fug side these days, hair-wise.

f4f4bca405b111e3abd122000ae907cd_7There was a big bromantic reunion during internationals and that was Higuaray. Pipita got back with his original boo, Ezequiel Garay, in Italy.

BRu6zNKCEAAOW9HPerhaps they weren’t so up close and personal in the team picture, but Pipa solved that post-match.

BRqmAL6CQAAqPkvAnd a scant two hours later, he posted this topless shot in (what looks like the same) bed. ::smh:: Pipita, could you be less obvious, please? Naw, scratch that. I love it when you get ridiculous like this.


“Hola bonita, etc. etc.”

Maybe he tweeted that as a “Sorry I hooked up with my ex, Chori, but I thought about you the whole time” consolation selfie?  Either way, he indeed looks like a “happy man” I guess this is all part of the “How Pipa Got His Groove Back” series. It’s killing me that it’s not with us, but hey, I’m not going to deny him happiness.

– Lozil

5 Responses to “Thursday Training, Someone Is Still Carrying The Torch & Someone’s Got His Groove Back”

  1. Allison August 15, 2013 at 7:03 pm #

    That bedroom pic of Pipa KILLED me last night. He looks exactly like my ex there. *sigh*

  2. jellyace August 16, 2013 at 12:28 pm #

    Higuaray! That’s one for the toenails! 😉

  3. bazinga August 16, 2013 at 9:08 pm #

    OMG! Pipita at his best!!!!:) It`s so clear what happend before… 😀

  4. M August 17, 2013 at 10:58 am #

    That self satisfied grin…. lol I love this clown so much!

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