A Thank You From One Of Our Own

8 Oct

Soccer thank youRemember when watishisto Peter asked us for a little assistance as he worked on his master’s research? Well he’s finished now and wanted to extend his thanks (and share the results).

Hi Guys!

You may recall my post a month or two earlier (I don’t even remember, it’s been a blur) asking for people to participate in the research for my dissertation. The good news is that so many of you agreed to help! The bad news is, there is no bad news.

Now I wanted to take the chance to thank all of you guys for your incredible response, without you guys my work literally would not have been possible. My work, generally, aimed to find out if social capital was created in an online fan community, essentially can the “capital” created by the relationships formed in a community such as this one be used by it’s participants to achieve their goals and support one another. If you want the full answer you’ll to read it, but ostensibly the answer is yes, and this project proves that it does, sadly I can’t use my research to validate my research, so I had to actually talk to you guys 😉

I’m not just thanking those who did participate but all of you, because without all of you there would not be the vibrant and, in my opinion, wonderful community you find here at HB&HB. I really feel communities like this are not just fun but also important and can really be a positive in the lives of the people are members of it.

On that note, a word for Lozil and Maisougio, who have been instrumental in creating what you find here, they are awesome, hard-working, and above all caring people who have something they can be proud of.

You will see a link below to my dissertation, I hope you can all read it, and even more, that you don’t fall asleep. If you see typos, and there will be typos, don’t even let me know, it’s already submitted and at this point good riddance! Some of you may recognize yourselves, though there are pseudonyms, some names may be familiar too as I plumbed the names of WAGs as well as members of the Canadian and US women’s national teams. Enjoy!


Once again, you guys are amazing and I cannot thank you enough for your help, it meant and means so much to me!


And thank you, Peter, for making our community the subject of your research – it’s a huge honor. You’d better get a first out of this or we’ll storm Birkbeck! 🙂 We’re so proud of you! Let’s all give our fellow watishisto a huge round of applause for a job well done (and a hearty mazel tov on that Master’s).

– Lozil

11 Responses to “A Thank You From One Of Our Own”

  1. Beta October 8, 2013 at 10:45 pm #

    Congratulations, Peter. I’ve finished my Master’s dissertation this year too and I know how is so good (to say the least) to see it completed! 🙂

  2. Backwards October 9, 2013 at 7:05 am #

    Congratulations! Amazing achievement.

    I’ll get onto my masters at some point….I’m too lazy!

  3. CinematiqueChic October 9, 2013 at 8:47 am #

    Congrats on finishing your dissertation Peter! Doesn’t handing it in feel so liberating?!

  4. jellyace October 9, 2013 at 10:09 am #

    Congratulations, Peter! Somehow, I feel that you have immortalized our little community, albeit in dissertation heaven. Hope you celebrated and got soaking drunk! Cheers!

    • Peter J (@recitaldepeter) October 9, 2013 at 12:15 pm #

      I woke up the next day after handing it in and realized I could do whatever I wanted (played FIFA). And yes I was hungover when I woke up to answer your question 😉

      • jellyace October 12, 2013 at 3:40 pm #

        Atta boy!

  5. Nooria October 9, 2013 at 8:40 pm #

    Congrats Peter! You’re a free man now 😀

  6. Andrea October 9, 2013 at 10:17 pm #

    Congrats, Peter! What a fantastic accomplishment…cheers!

  7. Katie Ann October 9, 2013 at 10:55 pm #

    Totally reading… Congratulations, Peter!

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