The Daily Drool – Epic Bromance Month: Thomas Müller & Mario Gómez

3 Dec

310867_1A sadly defunct bromance (well, as far as Bayern is concerned), Thomas & Mario lurved each other on at Munich and on the national team.

2 Responses to “The Daily Drool – Epic Bromance Month: Thomas Müller & Mario Gómez”

  1. Mandy December 5, 2015 at 1:24 am #

    Thank goodness there are no shirtless photos of Müller. Blech. If there were… my eyes. My poor poor eyes, no más. So, thanks! (BTW- I hate Müller, unless he’s cracking jokes.) Speaking of laughter their should some day be a Daily Drool for Messi’s Laugh. Outside of football it’s pretty much the best thing ever. Srsly.

    • jellyace December 7, 2015 at 10:26 am #

      Not a big fan of Muller, but a shirtless shot of Mario Gomez would stop me in my tracks.

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