The Daily Drool – Epic Bromance Month: Cristiano Ronaldo & Gareth Bale

31 Dec

tumblr_mtdpswKy8p1sj22zao1_1280Had to save this one for last! Crisba is the premier bromance on Real Madrid this year. Gareth is a tad…obsessed to the point where I’m afraid he might go all Single Orange Male on Cristiano. (I imagine this running through Gareth’s head whenever he looks at Cris). But out of this hero worship, we were given the great gift that is Gareth’s Secret Diary. I do love Crisba. It’s entertaining as hell to see Gareth fangirling harder than any of us ever could and he tries his best for his Crissy, so it all works out to our advantage. Stan on, young Bale! (The only person who might fangirl for CR7 harder is Remy Cabella. We should sign him and watch the cat fights begin!)

Lordy, this is so reminiscent of the Crozil T-Rex arms celebration which was in one of our first ever posts Tales of Crozil.  Crispy, what do you do to these boys?! They’re so gone on you!

And so ends the 3rd annual Epic Bromance Month! Hope you had fun. Keep your eyes peeled for bromances that we can feature next year.  We’re now returning to our regular Daily Drools. In February, we’ll start gearing up for the Tishies!

4 Responses to “The Daily Drool – Epic Bromance Month: Cristiano Ronaldo & Gareth Bale”

  1. kfunk22 December 31, 2013 at 9:13 am #

    single orange female! HAHAHAHA! also, gareth’s secret diary is a treasure, thank you for pointing me in that direction.

    looking forward to the tishies!

  2. Mehreh December 31, 2013 at 12:27 pm #

    i hope one day, to find a man who looks at me like gareth looks at cris.

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