Tag Archives: Summer Transfers

It’s Official: Goodbye Keylor, Hello Areola

2 Sep

Don’t know about you but I am really, really, REALLY sad to see Keylor Navas moving on to PSG. Continue reading

It’s Official: Marcos Llorente To Atleti

20 Jun

The exodus has begun. The official announcement came down today and Marcos Llorente has moved across town to Atleti on a 5 year deal (he doesn’t look all that happy about it in the picture, does he?) Best of luck to you, kid! Just not against us.

– Lozil

It’s Official: Welcome Ferland Mendy!

13 Jun

24 year old left back and French international Ferland has signed with us from Lyon. The contract, reportedly worth $54.2 million, will last until 2025.  He will be presented on Wednesday, June 19.

It’s Official: Welcome Luka Jović & Eden Hazard!

8 Jun

While I’ve been sitting in a stuffy conference room for days getting a work certification, Real Madrid has started moving on rebuilding the team. Continue reading

Ready For Leganés, Players On The Move & More

31 Aug

Mariano took part in the final training before meeting Leganés tomorrow. He’s been given the number 7, so no pressure there or anything. Lord. Continue reading

Training, Mariano, The Return of Xabi And More

29 Aug

Hello! I’ve been off the grid since last week because mygypsyspirit came for a visit and we were busy catching up and eating all the things. Seriously, ALL the things. Continue reading

Off To The UEFA SuperCup

13 Aug

The team headed off for Tallinn, Estonia to meet Atleti in the UEFA Super Cup. Continue reading

It’s Official: Courtois Arrives, Kovacic to Chelsea

8 Aug

Well, it’s a done deal! Thibaut Courtos has joined Los Blancos from Chelsea while Mateo Kovacic has headed to Stamford Bridge on loan for the season.  Keylor, however, isn’t giving up without a fight.

– Lozil

The Week So Far…

26 Jul

I make a whole big statement about starting to post again and then promptly get felled by an epic bronchial infection that has had me flat on my ass all week. Typical.  Anyhow, I’m slowly starting to come out of it now so I’m going to try again! There’s the bulk of a week to catch up on so I’ll do a drive by. Continue reading

The Only Constant Is Change

20 Jul

First off, I must thank the ever amazing hopechaser for single-handedly covering the World Cup and doing such a brilliant job at it. She is a true star and the best watishista correspondent that a girl could ask for. She’s been holding down the fort at a time where I’m just not capable of doing so and I am very grateful.

I’m not good with change and that’s an understatement. I’ve been going through massive change in my personal life which is why I haven’t been around this summer. While I feel that all the upheaval will ultimately be beneficial, it doesn’t make the process any easier. So when my team has been going through similar changes, it has been very difficult for me to write about. Continue reading